Journey Into You Workshops

Workshops are available to anyone interested in learning a fun, powerful protocol that enables personal change quickly and effectively. Healthcare providers, alternative healthcare providers, and massage therapists that are looking to add a new dimension to their current scope of services.

Learn an easy-to-follow, step-by-step protocol which eliminates destructive emotional energy patterns that limit you from reaching your desired potential. You will obtain a knowledge and understanding of the Journey Into You protocol by developing an understanding of the following concepts.

Muscle testing: You will be able to demonstrate muscle testing and an effective vocabulary for utilizing this method during a Journey Into You session.
Intuition: This requires being open to listening to how your intuition is guiding you in assisting your clients.
Energy: It is important to be aware that thought and feelings create an energy vibration, and it is necessary to be in tune with both yours and your client’s energy to feel when the shift takes place in a session.
Intention: Recognize the power of intention as a facilitator.

These skills will enable the facilitator to assist the client that:

  • feels limited in any aspect of their life
  • seems stagnant in the healing process
  • is searching for deeper levels of healing
  • has expressed feelings of needing to change but doesn’t know what or how
  • feels a lack of identity/who am I?

You will leave with the knowledge and ability to successfully facilitate a one-on-one session with a client. The result will be a life changing experience.

If you are interested in attending a workshop, or hosting a workshop in your area, please contact me for more information.


“Maybe it’s not always about trying to fix something broken. Maybe it’s about starting over and creating something better.”